Why the Absence of Conflict Can Be A Bad Sign


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When we talk to leaders about the challenges they’re navigating, disagreement or conflict among team members comes up as a common issue. And while it may be tempting to wish for a conflict-free team, a complete absence of discontent or debate can actually be a sign of deeper underlying issues, such as:

Toxic positivity: Team members may feel pressured to maintain a facade of constant harmony and optimism, suppressing genuine concerns or dissenting opinions. As a result, conflicts are swept under the rug, creating a false sense of unity and a fear of rocking the boat by speaking up with an opposing or negative view.  

Groupthink: This is a phenomenon where teams prioritize consensus and conformity over critical thinking and individual perspectives. This can limit discussion around idea generation, often with team members aligning quickly to one idea and not voicing any concerns or challenges that idea poses, which can ultimately lead to poor decision making.

Backdoor conversations: When team members stay quiet in meetings or quickly align to whatever is being discussed, they may be sharing their true thoughts and feelings in covert, side conversations. This undermines trust and cohesion on the team. 

Lack of psychological safety: Speaking up and sharing an opposing view or challenging someone’s thinking can take courage. If the team lacks a sense of psychological safety, they may not feel that it’s safe to do so. Rather than risk their own sense of safety, they may instead opt to simply agree and avoid any potential negative repercussions. 

So, while constant conflict isn’t necessarily the goal here, it is important to foster an environment where healthy debate, open brainstorming, and respectful disagreement are welcome. Leaders play a direct role in setting the tone for this by embracing conflict as a means of driving innovation and arriving at the best solutions that leverage all the perspectives around the table.